The Internet Calendar opens in side-by-side view in the Outlook Calendar and is added to the Navigation Pane in Calendar view under Other Calendars.At the prompt, Add this Internet Calendar to Outlook and subscribe to updates, click Yes.Microsoft Office Outlook 2007, 2010, or 2013 will start up.You might be prompted to acknowledge that you are opening a hyperlink.Click on the Download Outlook Internet Calendar Subscription button.Select the Outlook option from the Download dialog box.Fill out the form with your preferences and click the Create Calendar button.OR, to download Yahrzeit + Anniversary calendar, navigate download holidays and candle-lighting times, navigate to.Open a web browser on your Microsoft Windows computer.If you plan to sync Outlook with a BlackBerry, consider using the old-style Outlook CSV instructions instead. This method is preferred for newer versions, e.g. The calendar appears as an “overlay” and can be managed separately from your main calendar. This technique uses Outlook’s “Internet Calendar Subscription” feature which keeps a separate calendar from your primary calendar. Follow these instructions to add a Hebcal Jewish holiday calendar 5-year feed to newer versions of Microsoft Outlook.